Love is meant to be an adventure.
Gordon B. Hinckley
Peter and Helen are adventurers. They’re the kind of people who go, and do, and take risks in the name of excitement. During their rehearsal dinner, friends stood and recounted stories of the adventures this couple had gone on, and how they are constantly encouraging the people around them to join in their spontaneity. Their spirit for adventure and travel and their zest for living life boldly is contagious!
Their wedding was full of southern charm, family, and thoughtful details, like the embroidered handkerchiefs she gave her parents at the start of the day, the wedding photos of parents and grandparents that were placed on the guestbook table, and the monogrammed bouquet wrap that Helen carried down the aisle with her flowers embroidered with her new initials.
Helen & Peter, thank you for letting me be a part of your gorgeous day with Mary Fields Photography! I’m so excited for you both as you start the beautiful adventure of marriage!